Category: RT Articles

With most Americans' attention fixated firmly on the antics of four young congresswomen intent on carving out a name for themselves via the time-honored tradition of accusing their opponents of racism (and we had such high hopes for Ilhan Omar, too), the Trump administration is quietly deploying even more military assets to the Persian Gulf, because Bolton's going to have his war if he has to start it himse- never mind, he only sends other people to fight in his wars. Also watched by no one: the joke of a Google hearing, in which three-toed sloth Ted Cruz actually grew a pair & went after the monopolistic Big Brother lookalike only for his Democratic counterpart (who got a hefty check from Google for her 2018 campaign) to advocate pro bono for her favorite donor. Also: the ongoing Epstein drama, which has been so buried i didn't even get to do a story about it this week. Read this instead.


July 15: Legislative virtue-signaling on overdrive; Trump as the goy who cried wolf

Progressive Dem 'squad' distracted by presser warning against distraction of Trump's 'racist tweets'

Dems introduce resolution condemning 'racist tweets,' having nothing better to do

Croatian hip-hop festival evacuated after massive forest fire encircles beach

ADL begs Trump to stop flinging around accusations of antisemitism


July 16: Real Housewives of DC; pot sanctions kettle; Google revels in impunity; CNN commentator Richard Spencer

'Orange man bad' vote degenerates into gavel-dropping chaos as Pelosi auditions for reality TV career

US sanctions Myanmar military commanders over human rights abuses

Untouchable Google bats away softballs from bought Congress 

CNN rolls out the red carpet for Richard Spencer: "see? even racists don't like Trump!"


July 17: Impeachment addicts chase the dragon; squad goals down squad holes; Ebola goes viral; it's MIGA not MAGA

Third time's the charm? Serial impeacher piggybacks on racist tweet resolution, flops

Progressive Democrat 'squad' not polling so hot in middle 'murica

WHO declares Congo Ebola epidemic global emergency

**Dear Trump: when did MAGA become MIGA? Promises kept - to the wrong people

Elderly protesters arrested blocking telescope construction on Hawaiians' sacred mountain


July 18: Dems kiss & make up (with the help of an exorcism); anime studio horror

Democrats ditch principles & pledge mutually assured destruction

House chaplain holds exorcism to evict any remaining political principles &/or demons

Kyoto anime arson suspect set fire as revenge for stolen story


July 19: Criminal justice fails; US pours moar fuel on Gulf fires; NYC continues giant behavioral experiment

Murderer released as too old to kill again kills again as victim's kids watch

Cross-border drug traffic peaks as Border Patrol distracted by migrant crisis

US stations more troops in Saudi Arabia 'to preserve the peace' - Orwell rolls in grave

Unexplained NYC subway meltdown strands thousands during evening rush, 1 week after still-unexplained blackout